Ultrasound Imaging Course Free Online Portal

sonoworld.com  is an excellent free ultrasonography  learning resource portal orientated towards radiology trainees,but helpful for medical students, all junior and senior doctors also. Contains good quality images,  ultrasonographic signs ,topics on  various body systems ,streaming video lectures by field leaders, clinical cases, textbook chapters and a wide range of other educational and informational materials with support of normal anatomy.How to perform USG scan is explained well at sonoworld.com. Now sonoworld is one of the largest group for medical professionals involved in ultrasound .

Main contents

1) Cases  : Interesting medical cases are discussed here with multimedia.Topics are divided in to sections like Abdomen ,Retroperitoneum ,Pelvis ,Obstetrics ,Vascular/Cardiac,Musculoskeletal/Small parts, Brain/Spine ,Superficial tissues, Salivary glands ,Women's Health.

2) The Fetus Home - Special section for fetal usg cases.

3) Lectures  - Streaming video lectures in all systems.

4) Images  - Links to Ultrasound Galleries by other websites

5) Articles - Latest articles in sonography.

6) Chapters - The Online Textbook of Ultrasonography

7) CME - Continuing Medical Education in sonography

8) Conferences - Update about upcoming and current conferences in Ultrasonography


How to use this site
You need to register for free to get access to all these wonderful resources.There are two ways to register - Full and Quick. Both are FREE.

Reach of sonoworld

This site was launched in 1999  to provide free educational materials to ultrasound practitioners in developing countries around the world.With over 200 streaming video lectures , clinical cases, textbook chapters and a wide range of other educational and informational materials, all free and readily accessible , today SonoWorld has become the  choice for basic education in USG.

Edward Ray, President and Chief Executive Officer 
Barry B. Goldberg, MD, Chairman, Medical advisory Board
Christopher R. B. Merritt, MD, Medical Content Director
Larry Waldroup, BS, RDMS


Centralized resource where many of  existing ultrasound resources are brought together in a easily accessible virtual space.In short sonoworld.com is recommended for those who wish to have a deeper understanding of ultrasound imaging

Also visit my other best posts in Radiology section.

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