Heart sounds murmurs and angiography interactive tutorials

Heart sounds murmurs and angiography interactive tutorials CardiologySite.com    -an online  learning experience for physicians, medical  students, residents and fellows for expanding their knowledge in specific areas of cardiology. A virtual experience of  classroom lectures and demonstrations with the use of the latest multimedia technology.There you will find instructional movies, 3-D animation,, panoramic views,online quiz, interactive video-clips, interactive heart sounds & murmurs and  interactive echo cardiograms.

Don't forget to visit my other best posts in Cardiology section.


1) Coronary Angiography

This section is  designed for technologists, cardiology fellows and physicians having less experience with coronary angiography. It facilitate an understanding of the procedure and the various projections or views that are commonly obtained during a study.

2) Auscultation

Demonstration of  Heart Sounds and murmurs

-Heart Sounds

3) Cardiology Quiz

Here you will be presented a case or clinical information and requested for a single best answer

Heart sounds murmurs and angiography interactive tutorials

About the site developer

Concept and design  by Dr. Abdulla M. Abdulla - former Chief of Cardiology , Medical College of Georgia. He is  a major contributor of educational material for HeartSite.com and CardiologySite.com

How to use this site

Select an item from the drop-down list and then cycle through the other items within the same topic by clicking on the "NEXT" arrow  button. Clicking on the "PRIOR" left corner arrow will return you to the previous page. This lesson module was designed for use by desktop as well as Pocket PC devices. To use this lesson with a Pocket PC, you will need to download and install  Macromedia Flash Player for Pocket PC on your device.

In short CardiologySite.com  is  designed from the ground up and is highly recommended for medical students and doctors for learning cardiology.

Don't forget to visit my other best posts in Cardiology section.

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