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Love Syndrome

Aetiology : Unkown

Age of Onset : Teenage. Recent studies 
have shown that it may affect people upto 25 years of age.

Risk Factors : The age itself is the major risk factor. Others include
(a) Co-education
(b) Cell Phones
(c) Movies
(d) Internet Of these the part played by the cell phones is note worthy.


Multi Organ System Failure

Clinical Features

A) The most common presenting feature is 
throbbing pain in the heart often described by the patient as sweet pain.
B) Loss of appetite.
C) Sleeplessness.
D) Day dreaming
E) Disinterest in any type of work. There is a danger of patient being transformed into a 

A) Very much dilated pupil (In search of his sweet 
B) Blushing of cheeks (mainly seen in girls).
C) On Auscultation: 
The First Heart Sound is heard as LOVE instead of LUB.
D) Smiling to self.

Pathogenesis and Clinical Course
The Disease is Gradual in onset. The patient presents with vague symptoms like loss of appetite, 
sleeplessness, etc., As time progress mutli organ system involvement occurs with 
varied symptoms. The symptoms are aggravated at the sight of patients sweet 
heart. The sight of patients love causes the contraction of the radial fibres of 
the iris muscle leading to the dilation of the pupil. The eyes remain wide open 
and cease to blink. The Zygomaticus major muscle automatically contarcts and the 
patient smiles (Smile at Sight Phenomenon). As the patient approaches his sweet 
heart, action potentials are generated at an irregular rate in the heart and the 
normal rhythm of the heart is lost. Microscopic examination of the cardiac 
muscle reveals the presence of abnormal pacemaker tissue at certain areas called 
the ROMANTIC SPOTS that are responsible for the lost rhythm of the Heart. The 
patient feels agitated, and a throbbing pain develops in the heart. The 
characteristc feature of the pain that patient wants to feel it more and more. 
In advanced stages, the brain is affected. If not treated properly, the patient 
may go bad.

Marriage Therapy holds promise of 100% cure rates. If is effective only after 22 years of age. If performed early,
it may lead to adverse reactions.

Preventive Measures
Several attempts have been made to prevent the disease. The WLO (World Love 
Organization) expert committee has finally declared that the disease is 
inevitable during the age group and its prevention is literally impossible. Any 
attempts to interrupt the normal course of the disease may lead to more severe 
from of disease. So interventional measures are highly contraindicated for this 

Complication of love syndrome is euphoria, financial crisis, idiotic look, loss of appetite and sleep. Acute romantic failure lead to suicidal tendency. Survival may have life long immunity.



sapphire,  August 28, 2013 at 10:02 AM  

Awesome piece

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