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Histology Learning System Portal

[Front page||Main Index|Anatomical Figure|
Schematic/Chart|Thumbnail|Slide Number|Keyword]

  • To learn microscopic anatomy of the tissues and organs of the human body.
  • To learn histological terms and concepts for the purpose of identification and precise communication.
  • To develop a systematic thinking process as a means to identify histological preparations correctly.
  • To understand the relationship between microscopic structure and function.
  • To understand the preparative procedures used in histology and how they affect the visual image.

  • By methodically reviewing images in this database you will learn to identify cells, tissues, organs, and parts of organs correctly. You learn to do this, not by memorizing the images, rather, by learning how morphological features relate to function and by understanding which features are most diagnostic of organ systems and organs of the systems. In medicine, as in histology, this intellectual process involves art as well as science. The art lies in knowing which questions to ask, and in what order, in your systematic process of elimination.

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Anonymous,  November 12, 2009 at 1:30 PM  

When do you know you need to start with a new method of studying? I realized after I was almost close to flunking my histology paper. After that, I created thesehistology flashcards and started using many more which were available there

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